Push for accountability, integrity, and transparency in our city government.
- Have at least one WISPPA member attend all city council meetings and report back to WISPPA at the monthly meetings
- City Governance Improvements – verify that all City Commissions have posted agendas and minutes .
- Regular reports at WISPPA meetings on issues of importance (Safety, NREC, massage parlors, property development, 710 etc.)
- Attend public meetings regarding the City Budget
- Maintain an updated list of members of South Pasadena commissions, boards, and council Ad Hoc committees on WISPPA website
Actively encourage strong, well-qualified candidates, and especially women, to run for City Council and to serve on City Commissions.
- Push the City to list all commission openings - current or upcoming - on the City of South Pasadena website. Add link to WISPPA website.
- Report to WISPPA membership all open commission positions and encourage members to apply.
- Communicate resources, announcements, and information regarding running for office and/or appointments.
- Partner with other key organizations to promote women events and leadership (L. Bissner, M. Cacciotti, G. Pia)
- Reach out to women based businesses to become more involved with WISPPA.
- Reach out to younger women to consider their own potential for political leadership. Engage students in the political process. example: WISPPA could sponsor an event for high school girls that would introduce them to our women leaders (i.e. Mayor Marina Khubesrian for example) to learn firsthand about a women’s path to leadership.
WISPPA also seeks to offer opinions and advocate for positions concerning the well-being of the City of South Pasadena
- Advocate for the "No on 710" position
- Actively work with the City Council Ad-Hoc committee, the CA League of Cities, and other groups to stop the proliferation of massage parlors in South Pasadena by giving cities their land use rights back in order to regulate massage parlors and stop prostitution and human trafficking on our main streets.
- Communicate to the city regarding the stores and shops we want to see blossom in South Pasadena. Advocate for those kinds of businesses.
- Work for Public Safety/Disaster Preparedness along with the Public Safety Commission to establish a city emergency response center, increase Neighborhood Watches, encourage more community emergency drills and engaging more businesses in emergency preparedness.
- Support the arts in our community by publicizing events on our website, reaching out to SPARC, and organizing WISPPA night outs.
- Advocate for improvements in city infrastructure, utilities, etc. Communicate issues regarding the city infrastructure to the community.
Provide information to the electorate regarding City Council candidates and city issues.
- Hold candidate forums for South Pasadena City Council elections.
- Keep the WISPPA website updated with WISPPA's activities, major issues, information about events of interest in South Pasadena, and general information about the city.
- Keep citizens informed on property development in South Pasadena and preservation issues (i.e. Rialto).
- Hold an annual cocktail party highlighting a speaker of general interest to the citizens of South Pasadena.
- Maintain list of South Pasadena Organizations on website (K. Hughes, B. Emirhanian). Do more collaborative outreach with other groups.