Proliferation of Massage Parlors in South Pasadena
GREAT NEWS: Governor Brown has signed AB1147 and the right to regulate land use regarding massage parlors will be returned to cities. This legislation, which WISPPA
and our City have been advocating allows cities to regain their rights
to regulate massage parlors as they do any other use. Most importantly it
closes the loop hole that has allowed illicit massage and human trafficking
to flourish in communities with impunity.
WISPPA thanks the following people for their commitment and hard work on this issue: Lisa Pendleton, Kay Mouradian, Lisa Boyd - Moms For Family and Community, Mary Urquhart, South Pasadena Councilwoman and former Mayor Marina Khubesrian, South Pasadena City Manager Sergio Gonzales, Assembly member Chris Holden, Kirstin Kolpitcke (the League of California Cities).
Lela Bissner and Lisa Pendleton sent a letter to the Review to acknowledge the collective effort to pass the new massage parlor law. They also touched upon the history of this effort and WISPPA's role. In addition to Lisa Pendleton, WISPPA is also very grateful to Kay Mouradian and Mary Urquhart for their involvement early on and many hours of hard work on this issue. And lastly, many thanks to the entire membership for writing letters and staying on top of the issue. It truly was a collective effort.
WISPPA has been in the forefront of addressing this problem in our community. WISPPA has been deeply concerned about the over proliferation of massage parlors in our community and the potential for illicit activities when the City has no legislative ability to control these establishments. WISPPA has been working for several years to try to gain back the land use rights of our City to regulate these establishments but due to an unprecedented State law, backed by the California Massage Therapy Council lobby, our City as well as others in the State are legally unable to regulate massage parlors. This problem not only creates a blight for our City and others, it can be an unfortunate setting for prostitution and human trafficking right in our own community.
Since 2009 the number of massage parlors in South Pasadena have increased from 7 – 19 with at least 6 of these to have known illicit activities occurring right on our main streets and we are not alone as the problem is state wide. According to the City of Los Angeles this law has created loopholes that have left them powerless to regulate massage establishments. According to Capt. Kelly Mulldorfer, a vice commander at the Los Angeles Police Department, they estimate that the city of Los Angeles has more than 400 storefront massage businesses suspected of engaging in prostitution at the same time they pose as legitimate certified massage therapy operations.
See the excellent (8/4/14) editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle
***************** AB 1147 History *****************
AB1147 (with amendments) was authored by Assembly members Bonilla, Holden and Gomez to give cities their rights back to regulate massage parlors and stop prostitution and human trafficking on our main streets. It was heard by the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee on June 23. The committee voted in favor of the bill and it continued through the legislative process and has now passed both houses of the State Legislature. Click on the button below to see the hearing on "youtube".
AB1147 (with amendments) was authored by Assembly members Bonilla, Holden and Gomez to give cities their rights back to regulate massage parlors and stop prostitution and human trafficking on our main streets. It was heard by the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee on June 23. The committee voted in favor of the bill and it continued through the legislative process and has now passed both houses of the State Legislature. Click on the button below to see the hearing on "youtube".

“WISPPA and South Pasadena participated in massage parlor hearings
in Sacramento, March 10, 2014.
Pictured center is State Assembly Member Jimmy Gomez with South Pasadena Mayor, Dr. Marina Khubesrian to the left, second row back and to the right are WISPPA members Lisa Boyd (Moms for Family and Community) and Lisa Pendleton representing WISPPA. For more information on the hearing click on the link below:,-Mayors,-Council-Members-and-Law-Enfor
in Sacramento, March 10, 2014.
Pictured center is State Assembly Member Jimmy Gomez with South Pasadena Mayor, Dr. Marina Khubesrian to the left, second row back and to the right are WISPPA members Lisa Boyd (Moms for Family and Community) and Lisa Pendleton representing WISPPA. For more information on the hearing click on the link below:,-Mayors,-Council-Members-and-Law-Enfor
Also check out the California League of Cities website under Hot Issues – Massage Regulation for the latest information on this issue and ways you can help.
For more information on this issue from a recent Webinar the California League of Cities conducted, click the button at the right. This presentation is an excellent summary of the history of massage regulation, problems and solutions, and what is happening in other cities.