Current Programs of Interest to Residents of South Pasadena
The Connect South Pasadena alert system allows the City of South Pasadena the chance to provide you with critical information in an emergency situation. When a natural disaster, police activity or other emergency requires you to take action to protect yourself and your family, you’ll receive texts, emails or phone calls that let you know what to do. You may register as many devices as you like to receive Connect South Pas notifications – home, mobile or business phone, email, text messages, hearing impaired receiving devices and more. To ensure that you receive emergency alerts as well as select community updates, register at least one phone number and one email address.
Water and Energy conservation rebates are available from the city and other agencies. For more information, click on buttons at right. There are a variety of things we can all do to use water more efficiently and sustainably and increase use of renewable energy and decrease its carbon footprint over the years ahead. View our tips and several environmental programs that aid the community in sustaining long-term environmental practices.
EV Station Rebates: The South Coast Air Quality Management District has established a residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Incentive Pilot Program that will be available to Southland residents to help make charging at home more affordable.
CERT Training - CERT is a community based group of volunteers that have completed a federally recognized training course taught by Public Safety personnel and First Responders. The training is a comprehensive program detailing the ways to assist friends, family, co-workers and community in small or large scale disaster. South Pasadena is planning on a number of training sessions in 2015.